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Pizza Seminars

Voxel imaging Brain PET

by Divya Saini (PhD)

IFAE Virtual Seminar Room (IFAE)

IFAE Virtual Seminar Room



Context: There is a growing interest in developing brain PET scanners with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution for early diagnosis of Alzheimer and studies of the brain disorders. The need to detect the minute changes in brain morphology particularly in hippocampal volume is a motive to design and simulate a helmet like brain PET based on a VIP detector module. With excellent spatial and energy resolution one can detect on yearly basis the volume change (shrinkage) of the hippocampus and from this information one can predict /estimate the time in which the person, under monitoring, could develop the Alzheimer disease.

Talk Outline: In this talk, design and simulation study of BRAIN PET based on VIP trapezoidal shaped module detectors are discussed. Some measurements to evaluate the performance/response of such Brain PET, according to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), will be presented. This includes imaging performance results assessed via simulation and using the NEMA-NU4 Image quality phantom.


Organized by

Cosimo Nigro, César Jesús-Valls, Jan Ollé
