Pizza Seminars

Dark Energy Survey: Cosmological Analysis Results of Year 3 Data

by Giulia Giannini (IFAE)

IFAE Virtual Seminar Room (IFAE)

IFAE Virtual Seminar Room


We present the first cosmology results from large-scale structure using 5000 sq. deg. of imaging data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Data Release. It is an analysis of large-scale structure combining three two-point correlation functions (3x2pt): (i) cosmic shear using 100 million source galaxies, (ii) galaxy clustering, and (iii) the cross-correlation of source galaxy shear with lens galaxy positions. To achieve the unprecedented cosmological precision enabled by these measurements has required updates to nearly every part of the analysis from DES Year 1. We model the data within the flat LambdaCDM and wCDM cosmological models, marginalizing over 25 nuisance parameters. The final constraints correspond to an improvement in signal-to-noise by a factor of 2.1, about 20% more than expected from the increase in observing area alone. We find an improved agreement between DES 3x2pt and Planck, despite the significantly improved precision of both.

Organized by

Cosimo Nigro, César Jesús-Valls, Jan Ollé
