Theory Seminars

Gauge-Higgs unfication after the discovery of the Higgs particle

by Chong-Sa Lim (Tokyo Woman's Christian Univ.)

IFAE Seminar room (IFAE)

IFAE Seminar room


The Higgs has turned out to be ``light", whose mass being of the order of the weak scale. This suggests that the Higgs self-coupling is governed by gauge principle. As an attractive candidate of BSM having such property, we discuss gauge-Higgs unification (GHU) scenario. We demonstrate that, just as in MSSM, the Higgs mass is predictable as a UV-finite value even after the quantum correction in GHU. The model we take is 6D GHU with a suitable orbifolding, which predicts M_H = 2M_W at the tree level. We also point out Higgs interactions, such as Yukawa interaction, in the GHU (and related scenario of dimensional deconstruction), show characteristic ``anomalous" behavior, i.e. the deviation from the predictions of the SM.