Pizza Seminars

Multimessenger Alert Broker

by Manuel Artero (IFAE)

IFAE Seminar Room (IFAE)

IFAE Seminar Room



Even though, the latest observing run of gravitational wave (GW) observatories has added a significant fraction to the known population of observed compact binary coalescence (CBC), there were no multi-messenger (MM) associations reported. However, the optimism brought by GW1708171, the first CBC observed along with its electromagnetic (EM) counterpart, remains unbroken and expectations for future runs act as a catalyst for developments of widely-applicable tools that benefit the MM community as a whole. In this work, we adopt an approach that enables optimized pointing-patterns for efficient follow-ups of GW-alerts. Since searches for the associated EM signals are challenging, i.e. large uncertainty region as well as quickly fading emissions, the principal idea is to correlate galaxy-distributions with GW localisation information, thereafter creating a ranked list of most likely host environments. Upon introduction of the underlying algorithm, it is outlined how one can elaborate galaxy-targeted approaches, in order to tailor strategies to a variety of transient alerts and their follow-ups by small field of view instruments, such as MAGIC and LST.

Organized by

Cosimo Nigro, César Jesús-Valls, Jan Ollé
