23-24 February 2023
Hotel Campus, UAB
Europe/Madrid timezone

Antoine Marquet, École Normale Superieure de Lyon (QuCoS) - Passive two-photon dissipation for bit-flip error correction of a cat code

23 Feb 2023, 12:00
Arnau Vilanova (Hotel Campus, UAB)

Arnau Vilanova

Hotel Campus, UAB

Edifici Blanc -Vila, Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona


Demonstrating Quantum Error Correction is a key step toward the realization of a large-scale quantum computer. In contrast to strategies using a register of physical qubits to store the protected logical qubit, bosonic codes offer a resource-efficient alternative to reach the same goal. In these codes, the large ensemble of physical qubits is replaced by the many energy levels of a harmonic oscillator. Various bosonic codes have been proposed and implemented in superconducting circuits [1] and trapped ions [2]. Of particular interest, some implementations enable an autonomous error correction without resorting to measurement-based feedback. Recently, such autonomous schemes were successfully demonstrated for cat codes [3–6], where the logical |0⟩ and |1⟩ states are coherent states of opposite amplitudes |α⟩ and | − α⟩ in a superconducting resonator with single-photon loss rates κ1 as low as possible. They are able to correct bit-flip errors by either using the non-linearity of the oscillator or parametrically pumping couplers to activate a swap interaction between 2 photons of the resonator and 1 photon of the environment, a.k.a. two-photon dissipation at a rate κ2. This bit-flip correction comes at the expense of additional phase-flip errors, but importantly, the bit-flip time Tbf increases exponentially with |α|2 while the phase-flip rate only increases linearly with |α|2. This drastically lowers the number of components that are needed to design the additional layer of repetition code that protects against phase flips [7], or of the tailored surface code when the noise bias is not strong enough [8, 9]. As the ratio between two-photon and single-photon dissipation rates κ2/κ1 gets larger, the exponent λ in Tbf ∝ eλ|α|2 is expected to get larger. Previous works managed to demonstrate Tbf as high as several minutes but only for dozens of photons in the resonator owing to a low value of λ < 2, and without an ancillary transmon qubit to perform the tomography [5]. In this work, we introduce and experimentally demonstrate a new superconducting circuit designed to correct for bit-flip errors of cat codes. Crucially, the two-photon dissipation does not require any pump, so that a single drive is required to stabilize the qubit manifold. This is obtained by non-linearly coupling the cat qubit to a buffer mode that resonates at twice the frequency of the cat qubit. We experimentally demonstrate unprecedented ratios κ2/κ1, leading to reaching exponents λ > 3 so that bit flip times well over a ms can be reached with a few photons only. We also demonstrate quantum gates on this corrected cat qubit.

This work was partly supported by the QuantERA grant QuCos ANR-19-QUAN-0006.

[1] Z. Leghtas, G. Kirchmair, B. Vlastakis, R. J. Schoelkopf, M. H. Devoret, and M. Mirrahimi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 120501 (2013).
[2] B. de Neeve, T.-L. Nguyen, T. Behrle, and J. P. Home, Nature Physics 18, 296 (2022).
[3] R. Lescanne, M. Villiers, T. Peronnin, A. Sarlette, M. Delbecq, B. Huard, T. Kontos, M. Mirrahimi, and Z. Leghtas, Nature Physics 16, 509 (2020).
[4] S. Touzard, A. Grimm, Z. Leghtas, S. O. Mundhada, P. Reinhold, C. Axline, M. Reagor, K. Chou, J. Blumoff, K. M. Sliwa, S. Shankar, L. Frunzio, R. J. Schoelkopf, M. Mirrahimi, and M. H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. X 8, 021005 (2018).
[5] C. Berdou, A. Murani, U. Reglade, W. C. Smith, M. Villiers, J. Palomo, M. Rosticher, A. Denis, P. Morfin, M. Delbecq, T. Kontos, N. Pankratova, F. Rautschke, T. Peronnin, L. A. Sellem, P. Rouchon, A. Sarlette, M. Mirrahimi, P. Campagne-Ibarcq, S. Jezouin, R. Lescanne, and Z. Leghtas, (2022), 10.48550/ARXIV.2204.09128.
[6] N. E. Frattini, R. G. Cortiñas, J. Venkatraman, X. Xiao, Q. Su, C. U. Lei, B. J. Chapman, V. R. Joshi, S. M. Girvin, R. J. Schoelkopf, S. Puri, and M. H. Devoret, (2022), 10.48550/ARXIV.2209.03934.
[7] J. Guillaud and M. Mirrahimi, Phys. Rev. X 9, 041053 (2019).
[8] A. S. Darmawan, B. J. Brown, A. L. Grimsmo, D. K. Tuckett, and S. Puri, PRX Quantum 2, 030345 (2021).
[9] C. Chamberland, K. Noh, P. Arrangoiz-Arriola, E. T. Campbell, C. T. Hann, J. Iverson, H. Putterman, T. C. Bohdanowicz, S. T. Flammia, A. Keller, G. Refael, J. Preskill, L. Jiang, A. H. Safavi-Naeini, O. Painter, and F. G. Brandão, PRX Quantum 3, 010329 (2022).

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