Theory Seminars

Deconstructing flavor to address SM hierarchies

by Dr Javier Lizana (Zurich university)

IFAE Seminar Room (Face-to-face Only)

IFAE Seminar Room

Face-to-face Only


An attractive explanation of the flavor puzzle of the Standard Model 
is the multi-scale origin of the flavor hierarchies, where the SM 
Yukawa couplings of the different fields are generated at different 
scales. An interesting way to implement this idea is by extending the 
gauge group of the SM to a non-universal larger group. In this setup, 
an approximate global U(2) flavor symmetry minimally broken can 
emerge, that allows to circumvent the stringent flavor bounds for New 
Physics, opening the possibility of interesting UV completions of the 
SM at the TeV scale. In this talk I will explore this approach to BSM 
physics and discuss different realizations and their phenomenological 

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