Alfonso Garcia: New inputs for T2K oscillation measurements
Seminar (IFAE)
Jelena Aleksic
(IFAE), Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona), John E Ward
T2K is a long-baseline neutrino experiment whose main purpose is to measure neutrino oscillations. In June 2011, it announced the first experimental indications for oscillations for muon to electron neutrinos. It also has the measurement world best measurement for muon neutrino disappearance. As collected data increases, systematics uncertainties becomes dominant. Near detector (ND280) plays a key role because it is able to constraint both cross section and flux uncertainties. Those uncertainties are controlled using the kinematical properties of the muon coming out from a charge current interaction. Currently, ND280 uses forward going muons while the far detector has a 4pi acceptance. I have developed a new selection for ND280 which increases the acceptance in the backward region. This improvement will allow to contrain better systematics uncertainties for future oscillation results. In this talk, I will show the status of this new selection.
Abelardo Moralejo
Alejandro Belloti
Armando Quispe
Bruno Bourguille
Chihaya Anzai
Daniel Guberman
David Vázquez Furelos
de la Rosa Gloria
Federico Sanchez
Imma Riu
Joaquim Palacio Navarro
John E Ward
jorge garcía
JR Espinosa
Juli Mundet
Julian Glatzer
Kovacs Andras
Lluïsa-Maria Mir
Machiel Kolstein
Manel Martinez
Maria Manna
mariano quiros
Matteo Cavall-Sforza
Matthias Jamin
Oscar Blanch Bigas
Oscar Martinez
Otger Ballester
Rafael Garcia
Ramon Miquel
Scott Griffiths
Sebastian Grinstein
Sergio Sanchez Cruz
Stefano Terzo
Thorsten Lux
Introduction and General Announcements5m
DrJelena Aleksic
(IFAE), Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona), DrJohn E Ward