Indirect Dark Matter Searches with MAGIC: The Perseus Cluster
Seminar (IFAE)
Jelena Aleksic
(IFAE), Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona), John E Ward
Since the beginning of operation, the MAGIC Cherenkov telescopes have been a powerful tool for exploring the Physics frontier, addressing topics such as the nature of dark matter and its distribution in the Universe, or the search for quantum gravitational effects in photon propagation. I will focus on an Indirect Dark Matter search performed with MAGIC on the Perseus Cluster and argue how clusters of galaxies can be used for exploring the parameter space of decaying dark matter candidates. We analyze this data applying a likelihood analysis that has been optimized for exploiting the spectral and morphological features expected in the dark matter signal for the Perseus Cluster. This has allowed us to reach sensitivities to decay lifetimes into bb_bar of 10^25 s for dark matter masses of 1 TeV, almost one order of magnitude stronger than previous MAGIC results.
Alejandro Belloti
Antonio Pineda
Armando Quispe
Bruno Bourguille
Daniel Moreno
Daniele Ninci
David Vázquez Furelos
de la Rosa Gloria
Eduard Masso
Enrique Fernandez
Eric Peregrina
Hassan Tarek
Imma Riu
Javier Rico
Jelena Aleksic
Joaquim Palacio Navarro
John E Ward
Judit Prat
Juli Mundet
Lluïsa-Maria Mir
Machiel Kolstein
Manel Martinez
Maria Manna
mariano quiros
Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
Mirkoantonio Casolino
Oscar Blanch Bigas
Oscar Martinez
Otger Ballester
Paolo Cumani
Rafael Garcia
Rafel Escribano
Ramon Miquel
Scott Griffiths
Xabier Llobregat
Introduction and General Announcements5m
DrJelena Aleksic
(IFAE), Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona), DrJohn E Ward