Antonella Succurro: From Particle Physics to Photosynthesis and beyond
Seminar (IFAE)
Jelena Aleksic
(IFAE), Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona), John E Ward
In 1943 Schrödinger asked "how can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?". By now, no definitive answer has been found! Living organisms are complicated things and biologists are now starting to realize the need of a more quantitative and formal approach. Systems biology is an emerging interdisciplinary field of study with a very broad range of applications. I will present some examples of typical problems where mathematical and computational models are needed. Even though we are still far from a "Standard Model" in biology, huge progresses in experimental techniques are allowing for the collection of more and more data waiting for rigorous interpretation.
Abelardo Moralejo
Armando Quispe
Bruno Bourguille
Chihaya Anzai
Daniele Ninci
Dirk Hornung
Eduard Masso
Emanuele Cavallaro
Enrique Fernandez
Eric Peregrina
Federico Sanchez
Giuliano Panico
Isaac Esparbé
Joaquim Palacio Navarro
John E Ward
Judit Prat
Juli Mundet
Kovacs Andras
Leyre Nogués
Leyton Michael
Lluisa-Maria Mir
Machiel Kolstein
Manel Martinez
Maria Manna
mariano quiros
Mateo Garcia
Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
Mirkoantonio Casolino
Moreno Daniel
Oscar Blanch Bigas
oscar Martinez
Rafel Escribano
Raimon Casanova
Ramon Miquel
Ramon Pascual
Sara Strauch
Xabier Llobregat
Introduction and General Announcements5m
DrJelena Aleksic
(IFAE), Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona), DrJohn E Ward