Leyre Nogués - Quantum Gravity with the MAGIC telescopes

Seminar (IFAE)



Jelena Aleksic (IFAE), Joern Lange (IFAE Barcelona), John E Ward (IFAE)
Quantum gravity has been an important open question fundamentally in Theoretical Physics until the recent understanding that some of its predicted effects may be observed with the current generation of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes, such as MAGIC. In particular, Lorentz Invariance Violation due to an energy-dependent photon speed derived from some theories is expected to be measurable using gamma-rays coming from distant sources, since the effect is defined to be proportional to energy and cumulative with distance. This talk is an introduction of phenomenological Quantum Gravity with Cherenkov telescopes, explaining all the steps from the theory, going through the choice of sources, to the final extraction of the desired information from the observational data.
  • Alícia Labián
  • Andrea Toldrà
  • Antonio Pineda
  • Armando Quispe
  • Bruno Bourguille
  • Chihaya Anzai
  • Daniel Guberman
  • David Vázquez Furelos
  • Eduard Masso
  • Emanuele Cavallaro
  • Enrique Fernandez
  • Eric Peregrina
  • Federico Sanchez
  • Gloria De la Rosa
  • Ilya Korolkov
  • Imma Riu
  • Isaac Esparbé
  • John E Ward
  • Juli Mundet
  • Koji Noda
  • Kovacs Andras
  • Laura Cabayol
  • Leyre Nogués
  • Lluïsa-Maria Mir
  • Machiel Kolstein
  • Manel Martinez
  • Martine Bosman
  • Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
  • Matthias Jamin
  • Oscar Blanch Bigas
  • Oscar Martinez
  • Otger Ballester
  • Paolo Cumani
  • Pere Gonzalez
  • Pere Masjuan
  • Rafel Escribano
  • Raimon Casanova
  • Ramon Miquel
  • Ramon Pascual
  • Scott Griffiths
  • Thorsten Lux
    • 13:00 13:05
      Introduction and General Announcements 5m
      Speakers: Joern Lange (IFAE Barcelona), Dr John E Ward (IFAE), Dr Stefano Terzo (IFAE)
    • 13:05 13:25
      Presentation of the Week 20m
      Speaker: Ms Leyre Nogués (IFAE)
    • 13:25 13:35
      Discussion 10m
    • 13:35 14:00
      Pizza 25m
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