Alfonso Garcia - Neutrino-nucleus interactions at near detector of T2K

Seminar (IFAE)



Jelena Aleksic (IFAE), Joern Lange (IFAE Barcelona), John E Ward (IFAE)
The latest T2K neutrino oscillation measurements are claiming statistical and systematic uncertainties of the same order. Next iteration of experiments aims to increase current sensitivity on delta-CP and mass hierarchy (DUNE, HyperK, T2K-II). Therefore, systematic uncertainties must be better understood. As it was shown in previous pizza seminars, in oscillations analysis, neutrino interactions with complex nucleus play a main role. Understanding such reactions is crucial because it affects both the background estimation and the neutrino energy reconstruction. During last decades, neutrino interactions have been studied both theoretically and experimentally for a wide range of nuclei and energies. Up to now, several neutrino cross sections with different heavy nucleus have been reported in both inclusive and exclusive channels. Nonetheless, in most cases the results have been either limited by statistics or restricted to certain kinematical regions. Therefore, models can not be fully tested. In this talk I will present the latest cross section measurement from T2K collaboration, muon neutrino interactions with Carbon via Charged Current.
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  • Armando Quispe
  • Chihaya Anzai
  • David Vázquez Furelos
  • Eduard Masso
  • Eric Peregrina
  • Isaac Esparbé
  • Jorge García
  • Juli Mundet
  • Leyre Nogues
  • Lluïsa-Maria Mir
  • Machiel Kolstein
  • Manel Martinez
  • Oscar Blanch Bigas
  • Oscar Martinez Carmona
  • Otger Ballester
  • Pere Masjuan
  • Ramon Miquel
  • Scott Griffiths
  • Tarek Hassan