David Vazquez - 3D pixel sensors for the HL-LHC upgrade of the ATLAS detector

Seminar (IFAE)



Jelena Aleksic (IFAE), Joern Lange (IFAE Barcelona), John E Ward (IFAE)
The LHC accelerator at CERN will be upgraded in the next years to provide a higher rate of collisions starting in 2026. The ATLAS experiment needs also to improve its detector, to keep up with the increased occupancy and radiation damage. In particular, the innermost detection system, the pixel detector, will be completely replaced. IFAE is proposing a new generation of 3D pixel sensors for the most challenging environment of the innermost pixel layers. Results of the on-going qualification effort of the 3D pixel technology will be presented.
  • Abelardo Moralejo
  • Alba Fernández Barral
  • Alícia Labián
  • Andrea Toldrà
  • Bruno Bourguille
  • Chihaya Anzai
  • Daniel Guberman
  • Eduard Masso
  • Emanuele Cavallaro
  • Fabian Foerster
  • Gloria De la Rosa
  • Isaac Esparbé
  • Ivan Lopez Paz
  • Javier Rico
  • Joaquim Palacio Navarro
  • John E Ward
  • Jorge García
  • José Luis Muñoz
  • Juli Mundet
  • Laura Cabayol
  • Leyre Nogués
  • Lluïsa-Maria Mir
  • Machiel Kolstein
  • Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
  • Oscar Martinez
  • Otger Ballester
  • Raimon Casanova
  • Ramon Miquel
  • Sebastian Grinstein
  • Stefano Terzo
  • Thorsten Lux
  • Xavier Prats