Bernat Capdevila - Patterns of New Physics in b→sℓ+ℓ− transitions in the light of recent data

Seminar (IFAE)



Joern Lange (IFAE Barcelona), Michael Leyton (IFAE), Stefano Terzo (IFAE)
In the Standard Model (SM), the rare transitions where a bottom quark decays into a strange quark and a pair of light leptons exhibit a potential sensitivity to physics beyond the SM. In addition, the SM embeds Lepton Flavour Universality (LFU), leading to almost identical probabilities for muon and electron modes. The LHCb collaboration discovered a set of deviations from the SM expectations in decays to muons and also in ratios assessing LFU. Other experiments (Belle, ATLAS, CMS) found consistent measurements, albeit with large error bars. To assess the extend of potential New Physics effects, we perform a global fit to all available b→sℓ+ℓ− data (l = e,μ) in a model-independent way. In this seminar, I will introduce to you the techniques used for the computation of the relevant observables in b→sℓ+ℓ− transitions, paying special attention to the treatment of hadronic uncertainties, and present the latest results of our global analysis.
  • Alba Fernández-Barral
  • Alícia Labián
  • Armando Quispe
  • Bruno Bourguille
  • Chihaya Anzai
  • César Jesús
  • Daniel Guberman
  • David Vázquez Furelos
  • Eric Peregrina
  • Isaac Esparbé
  • Joaquim Palacio Navarro
  • Judit Prat
  • Juli Mundet
  • Leyre Nogués
  • Lluïsa-M. Mir
  • Machiel Kolstein
  • mariano quiros
  • Martine Bosman
  • Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
  • Merve Colak
  • Pere Masjuan
  • Pilar Casado
  • Rafel Escribano
  • Raimon Casanova
  • Ramon Miquel
  • Scott Griffiths
  • Stefano Terzo
  • Tarek Hassan
  • Thomas Kosc
  • Thorsten Lux
  • Victor Cancer