Pizza Seminars

gamma rays binaries

by Dr Alicia López Oramas (IFAE)

Seminar (IFAE)



Recently, with the advent of the latest generation of Cherenkov telescopes, as MAGIC, HESS and VERITAS, a new kind of binary systems was revealed, the so called "gamma-ray binaries". Since the discovery of the first component of this new family, back in 2005, only four other systems have been detected. In this talk, I will first briefly make an introduction to gamma-ray astronomy and binary systems, and later explain the main characteristic of the gamma-ray binaries. Finally, I will show what the main topics of my PhD research are.
  • Abril Florez Oscar
  • Adiv González Muñoz
  • Alex Pomarol
  • Alfonso Garcia
  • Alicia López-Oramas
  • Antonio pineda
  • Christophe Grojean
  • Clara Peset
  • dilber uzun
  • Eduard Masso
  • Ekaterina Mikhaylova
  • emanuele cavallaro
  • Eugenio Megias
  • Federico Sanchez
  • Garoe Gonzalez
  • geraldine servant
  • Gerard Ariño
  • Gianluca De Lorenzo
  • Imma Riu
  • Ivan Lopez Paz
  • Javier Rico
  • Jelena Aleksic
  • Joan Elias
  • Joaquim Palacio Navarro
  • Joern Lange
  • John Vo
  • José Ramón Espinosa
  • Juan Cortina
  • Julian Sitarek
  • Lluïsa-Maria Mir
  • Machiel Kolstein
  • Manel Martinez
  • Martine Bosman
  • Masip Manuel
  • Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
  • Matthias Jamin
  • oriol pujolas
  • Oscar Blanch Bigas
  • Rafel Escribano
  • Raimon Casanova
  • Raquel Castillo Fernandez
  • Raul Viruez Roca
  • Roger Caminal Armadans
  • Sergi Gonzalez-Solis
  • stefania bordoni
  • Thibaud Vantalon
  • Thorsten Lux