The Voxel Imaging PET (VIP) project is investigating various novel designs for nuclear medicine devices, like PET (positron emission tomography), PEM (positron emission mammography) and Compton camera, using finely segmented CdTe semiconductors which have excellent energy resolution.
In the past weeks there have been two pizza talks about the VIP project in general and about the Compton camera in particular. In June, there will be two Ph.D. defenses for VIP. In the results presented in all of these presentations, image reconstruction plays an important role. There are various image reconstruction algorithms and each has their advantages and disadvantages. Especially for the Compton camera, image reconstruction is one of the biggest challenge and we had to put some dedicated effort in finding the optimal approach.
In this pizza talk, I am aiming to give a general overview of the various image reconstruction algorithms that we use and explain why especially for Compton camera, image reconstruction is a challenge.