Theory Seminars

Probing physics across the energy frontier (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19)

by Mr Abhishek Iyer (IP2I, Lyon)

IFAE seminar room (IFAE)

IFAE seminar room



The Standard Model offers the best description of electroweak scale physics. While it has been tested at different levels to a great degree of accuracy there are several aspects which do not conform to its theoretical prediction.  On the experimental side, there are several ongoing efforts towards a more accurate measurement: in order of increasing energy, ranging from the gminus2 experiment at FERMILAB, flavour physics at BELLE 2, LHCb,  to the high pT searches by CMS and ATLAS. In this talk, we will throw light on the different aspects which these experiments intend to probe. We begin with a discussion for the computation of Hadronic Light by Light scattering contribution to the gminus2 of the muon. This constitutes the first computation of this particular contribution from a Lagrangian formulation and offers a natural link between QCD at UV and IR. This is then followed by discussions in the flavour sector, where correlations between anomalies in B decays and other flavour sectors are developed.  Confirmation of any anomalies in the flavour sector must be confirmed by signals in direct searches at the LHC. In addition to developing further correlations, we also discuss novel methodologies to extract non-standard physics