Participant List

34 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Abelardo Moralejo
Alba Fernández-Barral MAGIC-CTA
Alejandro Belloti
Alfonso Garcia Phd student at IFAE
Antonio Pineda
Bruno Bourguille IFAE
Chihaya Anzai
Daniel Moreno IFAE
David Vazquez Furelos pixels
Dirk Hornung
Eduard Masso UAB
Emanuele Cavallaro IFAE
Enrique Fernandez IFAE/UAB
Federico Sanchez IFAE / Neutrinos
Giuliano Panico IFAE
Gloria de la Rosa
Joaquim Palacio Navarro MAGIC
Lluïsa-Maria Mir
Manel Martinez
Marco Gatti IFAE
mariano quiros icrea
Martine Bosman
Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
Matthias Jamin ICREA & IFAE
Oscar Blanch Bigas IFAE
Oscar Martinez
Paolo Cumani
Ramon Miquel
Scott Griffiths IFAE
sergi Gonzalez-solis IFAE-UAB
Sergio Sanchez Cruz
Thorsten Lux IFAE
Xabier Lobregat
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