Andras Kovacs: Prospects for finding Planet 9 in DES data

Seminar (IFAE)



Jelena Aleksic (IFAE), Joern Lange (IFAE Barcelona), John E Ward (IFAE)
Orbital alignments of six trans-Neptunian objects indicate that there might be a massive planet way out beyond the orbit of Pluto, about 200 times further than the distance from the sun to the Earth. This planet would be Neptune-sized, roughly 10 times more massive than Earth. But why haven't astronomers actually observed it yet? Based on new calculations, this planet should be bright enough to be visible in mid-range observatories, and definitely within the capabilities of the world's largest telescopes, like Keck, Palomar, Gemini, and Hubble, of course. In this talk I will summarize the existing constraints on the current location of "Planet 9" and briefly introduce the associated observational program in the Dark Energy Survey.
  • Alejandro Belloti
  • Antonio Pineda
  • Armando Quispe
  • Bruno Bourguille
  • Chihaya Anzai
  • Daniel Moreno
  • Daniele Ninci
  • de la Rosa Gloria
  • Dirk Hornung
  • Eric Peregrina Montfort
  • Fabian Foerster
  • Federico Sanchez
  • Giuliano Panico
  • Imma Riu
  • Javier Rico
  • Jelena Aleksic
  • Joaquim Palacio Navarro
  • John E Ward
  • Jorge García
  • Juli Mundet
  • Lluïsa-M. Mir
  • Machiel Kolstein
  • Manel Martinez
  • Marc Montull
  • Marc Riembau
  • Maria Manna
  • mariano quiros
  • Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
  • Matthias Jamin
  • Oscar Blanch Bigas
  • Oscar Martinez
  • Otger Ballester
  • Paolo Cumani
  • Rafa Garcia
  • Rafel Escribano
  • Raimon Casanova
  • Scott Griffiths
  • Sergio Sanchez Cruz
  • Tarek Hassan
  • Xabier Lobregat