Ivan Lopez Paz - AFP: A new LHC detector made in Barcelona
Seminar (IFAE)
Jelena Aleksic
(IFAE), Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona), John E Ward
The AFP experiment (ATLAS Forward Proton, aka Astonishingly Fast Project) was installed during the LHC technical shutdown of 2015-2016. In that period, the IFAE Pixel group produced the 3D silicon tracker, which was installed in two Roman Pot stations on one side of ATLAS (AFP0+2) in February 2016.
The ATLAS pixel group at IFAE (and a weasel) played a leading role in AFP, not only on pixel module production but also on beam test coordination, detector commissioning, operation and TDAQ integration with the ATLAS experiment.
In this presentation, I will give an overview on the AFP project, from sensor characterization to detector operation.
Bruno Bourguille
Chihaya Anzai
Daniel Guberman
Daniel Moreno
Daniele Ninci
David Vázquez Furelos
de la Rosa Gloria
Dirk Hornung
Emanuele Cavallaro
Enrique Fernandez
Fabian Foerster
Ivan Lopez Paz
Joern Lange
John E Ward
Jorge García
Kovacs Andras
Leyre Nogués
Lluisa-Maria Mir
Machiel Kolstein
Marc Granado
Maria Manna
mariano quiros
Martine Bosman
Mateo Garcia Pepin
Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
Michael Leyton
Rafa Garcia
Raimon Casanova
Ramon Miquel
Stefano Terzo
Tarek Hassan
Thorsten Lux
Xabier Llobregat
Introduction and General Announcements5m
DrJelena Aleksic
(IFAE), Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona), DrJohn E Ward