Participant List

37 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alícia Labián
Armando Quispe
Bruno Bourguille IFAE
Chihaya Anzai
Daniel Guberman
Daniel Moreno IFAE
Daniele Ninci
David Vázquez Pixels
Enrique Fernandez IFAE/UAB
Eric Peregrina
Federico Sanchez IFAE / Neutrinos
Giuliano Panico IFAE
Isaac Esparbé
Joern Lange IFAE Barcelona
John E Ward IFAE
Jorge García
JR Espinosa
Juli Mundet IFAE
Kovacs Andras
Leyre Nogues PhD student
Lluïsa-Maria Mir
Machiel Kolstein IFAE / Medical Imaging
Manel Martinez
Maria Manna
mariano quiros icrea
Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
merve colak
Michael Leyton
Oscar Blanch Bigas IFAE
Otger Ballester IFAE
Paolo Cumani
Rafel Escribano
Ramon Miquel
Roberto Franceschini IFAE
Sara Strauch
Victor Cancer
Xabier Llobregat
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