Stefano Terzo - A novel monolithic HV-CMOS pixel detector prototype for the ATLAS upgrade

Seminar (IFAE)



Joern Lange (IFAE Barcelona), Michael Leyton (IFAE), Stefano Terzo (IFAE)
Hybrid silicon pixel detectors are presently employed in the LHC experiments for tracking and vertexing in harsh radiation environments. For the High Luminosity (HL)-LHC upgrade of the ATLAS inner tracker, a new generation of hybrid pixel detectors is being developed which will be able to resist even higher radiation doses and particle fluences. But while on one hand hybrid detectors have no equals in terms of rate and radiation tolerance, on the other hand they have a significant material thickness, production complexity, and cost. In particular due to these last two aspects, the possibility to employ monolithic CMOS detectors to cover large areas in the outer layers of the future ATLAS pixel tracker at HL-LHC is under investigation. IFAE is participating both in design and testing of novel Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) produced in High Voltage (HV)-CMOS technology. The first results obtained on a monolithic HV-CMOS demonstrator chip designed by KIT, IFAE and University of Liverpool will be presented.
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