Participant List

30 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Andrea Rodriguez Perez IFAE
Bruno Bourguille IFAE
Chihaya Anzai
Danaisis Vargas IFAE
Daniel Guberman
David Vázquez Furelos Pixels
Eduard Masso UAB
Fabrizio Rompineve IFAE
Ferrer Francesc IFAE
Ijlal El kouraichi
Isaac Esparbé
Jaume Tarrús
Joaquim Palacio Navarro MAGIC
Jorge García
Jorge Segovia IFAE
José Ramón Espinosa
Lluïsa-Maria Mir
Manel Martinez
Matthias Jamin ICREA & IFAE
Oscar Blanch Bigas IFAE
Oscar Martinez IFAE
pere masjuan
Rafel Escribano
Ramon Miquel
Sebastian Pina-Otey IFAE
Thibaud Vantalon
Thorsten Lux IFAE
Xavier Prats IFAE
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