Participant List

28 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Abelardo Moralejo
Alex Gonzalez
Armando Quispe
Bruno Bourguille IFAE
Danaisis Vargas IFAE
David Vázquez Furelos Pixels
Elena Moretti
Emanuele Cavallaro
Eric Peregrina
Jaume Tarrus
Joern Lange IFAE Barcelona
Jorge García
Juli Mundet IFAE
Leyre Nogues PhD student
Lluïsa-Maria Mir
Léa Jouvin
M. Pilar Casado
Manel Martinez
Marcel Alguero
Oscar Blanch Bigas IFAE
Pere Gonzalez
Puigdengoles Carles
Raimon Casanova
Ramon Miquel
Stefano Terzo IFAE
Thorsten Lux IFAE
Víctor Cancer
Xavi Prats IFAE
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