Pizza Seminars

Barcelona Supercomputer Center integration in the computing of ATLAS

by Dr Andres Pacheco Pages (IFAE)

IFAE Virtual Seminar Room (IFAE)

IFAE Virtual Seminar Room


At the beginning of the LHC in 2010, the ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, and Alice experiments adopted a collaborative computing model called grid with a worldwide distribution of the computing resources. This solution was a success, and it is still the base core of computing today for the LHC experiments.

Governments invest significantly in the building and operation of supercomputer centers in response to the fact that research needs substantial computing resources. One of them is the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, which currently holds the MareNostrum 4, with an upgrade expected in 2021.

The situation today is that most of the research institutes face difficulty to find funding for the computing resources. The ATLAS Tier1 at PIC started a project in 2018 to begin using BSC for simulation of ATLAS events in collaboration with the IFAE group.

Organized by

Marc Manera, Pere Masjuan, Stefano Terzo
