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Towards a Spanish LISA Global Fit Pipeline

22 Jan 2024, 16:00
Seminar room (IFAE)

Seminar room



Ivan Vilchez (ICE CSIC Barcelona)


Abstract: LISA is a large-class mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) to build a space-based gravitational wave observatory. With the mission expected to be formally adopted by the end of this month and an anticipated launch date of 2035, Spain is agreeing to two main contributions to the mission: on the hardware side, the Science Diagnostics Subsystem; on the ground segment, a global fit data analysis pipeline. In this talk, I will be focusing on the latter contribution. I will provide a general overview of the LISA mission, its great scientific potential, and the unique data analysis challenges it faces. From there, I will briefly discuss the currently existing pipeline prototypes, and the computational requirements projected from them. Finally, I will talk about the current and future data analysis efforts in the budding Spanish LISA collaboration led by our research group.

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