This workshop is the first Network Activity of the COST Action CA18108 QG-MM "Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach". The objective of the meeting is to initiate a discussion among the different communities involved in the project, with the immediate aim of reviewing the present experimental and theoretical status in the search of quantum gravity signatures in the phenomenology of the different cosmic messengers. In this spirit, the talks will share the common topic "What you would like other participants to know about your research”, to make the audience aware on the different scenarios, assumptions and limitations, both from the theoretical and the experimental points of view, which drive present research.
The first day of the workshop (Wednesday) will have review talks by representatives of each WG, and on the second day (Thursday), we will have shorter talks by representatives of different groups and experiments, putting emphasis on the present status and results, and future prospects. On Friday, we will have WG meetings and a MC meeting.
Participation in the Workshop will be by invitation only.