Guillermo Mena
(IEM-CSIC), Mario Martinez
We invite you to this special one day meeting on the Spanish involvement in the Einstein Telescope.
The Einstein Telescope (ET) has been recently included in the ESFRI roadmap 2021. This is considered a huge step forward for ET, a project that promises to trigger a revolution in the field of gravitational waves physics and multi-messenger astronomy.
Now the project enters in a new phase of R&D for the design of the experiment and the formation of the international collaboration and its governance.
In this meeting the Spanish Institutions interested in the project will have the opportunity to get exposed to the details of the project and explore possible involvements. Part of the meeting will be devoted to exchanges with Spanish funding agency representatives and their liaison with industries.
In addition there will be a session in which the Spain groups are encouraged to present their view and potential interests in the project and desired contributions. The meeting will conclude with a discussion on ET-Spain organization and general discussion.
The meeting will take place in the main conference room at the CSIC Central Building in Madrid (C/Serrano 117). Given the Covid-19 restrictions, the occupancy of the room will be limited to 45 persons. The organizers are providing full video support to facilitate following the meeting remotely if needed.