ET-PP INFRA-DEV Annual Meeting

from Monday, 12 June 2023 (07:00) to Tuesday, 13 June 2023 (21:05)
UPF Barcelona School of Management - Barcelona

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
12 Jun 2023
13 Jun 2023
Registation (until 09:20) ()
Welcome and Plenary Session - Mario Martinez (ICREA/IFAE) (until 11:00) (Auditorium)
09:20 Welcome & Introduction   (Auditorium)
09:40 Special Talk - Barry Barish (CALTECH)   (Auditorium)
10:15 Report from ET Project Coordinators - Stan Bentvelsen (NIKHEF) Antonio Zoccoli (INFN)   (Auditorium)
10:30 Report from ET Directorate - Andreas Freise (NIKHEF) Mario Martinez (IFAE) Fernando Ferroni (INFN)   (Auditorium)
10:45 Report from ET Collaboration - Michele Punturo (INFN) Harald Lueck (AEI)   (Auditorium)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary Session - Mario Martinez (ICREA/IFAE) (until 13:35) (Auditorium)
11:30 ET beam pipe activities @ CERN - Paolo Chiggiato (CERN)   (Auditorium)
12:00 ETO Project Office and Engineering Department (WP5) - Roberto Saban (INFN)   (Auditorium)
12:20 Progress on Detector TDRs (WP6) - Michele Punturo (INFN) Harald Lueck (AEI)   (Auditorium)
12:40 ET Organisation, Governance, Legal Aspects (WP2) - Miriam E.H. Roelofs (NIKHEF)   (Auditorium)
13:00 ET Financial Aspects (WP3) - Ch. Arina (U. Louvain), T. Berghöfer (DESY), A. Sequi (INFN)   (Auditorium)
13:15 Innovation and Industrial engagement (WP7) - M. Morandin (INFN) and R. van der Meer (NIKHEF)   (Auditorium)
Plenary Session - Mario Martinez (ICREA/IFE-Barcelona) (until 09:40) (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
09:00 KTT and Industrial Liaison - Mauro Morandin (INFN)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
09:20 Site Preparation - Wim Walk (NIKHEF)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
Parallel Session - Martine Oudenhoven (NIKHEF) Vincenzo Napolano (EGO) (until 11:00) (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
09:40 Warming up and exercise on target audiences of the Einstein Telescope - Martine Oudenhoven (NIKHEF)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
10:10 General overview of communication plan + timeline - Vincenzo Napolano (EGO)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
10:25 Discussion   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
10:40 Website and logo - Vincenzo Napolano (EGO)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
10:55 Discussion   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
Parallel Session - Alessandro Variola (INFN) Patrice Verdier (IN2P3/CNRS) (until 11:00) (Room 504, 5th Floor)
09:40 Project Management Tools - A. Rocchi (INFN)   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
10:00 Project Management environment and services - N. Tonello (BSC)   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
10:10 Discussion   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
Satellite Meetings (until 11:00) (Room 501, 5th Floor)
09:40 WP7.1 - Innovation Plan: feedback from the Liaison Group - M. Morandin (INFN)   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
09:50 WP7.1 - Innovation Plan: How to converge - Isaac Esparbé (IFAE)   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
10:05 WP7.1 - Innovation plan: Discussion   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
10:15 WP7.2 - outcome of the ILO survey - Javier Echavarri (CDTI)   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
10:25 WP7.2 - towards an engagement plan - Michele Onori (INFN)   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
10:35 WP7.2 - activities with WP2-3 - R. Van der Meer (NIKHEF)   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
10:45 WP7.2 - Discussion   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
10:50 WP7.3 - Status and Planning   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Parallel Session - Achim Stahl (RWTH-Aachen) Nadia Tonello (BSC) (until 13:00) (Room 504, 5th Floor)
11:30 ET-O requirements and synergies with WP8 EiB   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
12:00 Cloud tools for file sharing, analysis and requirements analysis   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
12:30 Preparation for the Geneva workshop in October   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
12:50 Computational capabilities at Wigner RCP and a potential industrial partner   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
Parallel Session - Chiara Arina (U. LOUVAIN) Mauro Morandin (INFN) M. E.H. Roelofs (NIKHEF) (until 13:00) (Room 501, 5th Floor)
11:30 WP2-WP3-WP7 preliminary findings   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
12:30 ETO PD   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
Parallel Session - Alessio Rocchi (INFN) (until 13:00) (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
11:30 Towards the TDR - Alessandro Variola (INFN)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
12:00 Discussion   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
13:35 --- Lunch ---
Plenary Session (until 16:30) (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
15:00 Site Preparation (WP4) - Domenico D'Urso (INFN) Wim Walk (NIKHEF)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
15:20 News from Lusatia Site - Michèle Heurs (AEI)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
15:40 Computing and Data Access (WP8) - Achim Stahl (U. Aachen) Nadia Tonello (BSC)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
16:00 Sustainable Development Strategy (WP9) - N. Arnaud (CNRS), M. Carpinelli (EGO) and M. Marsella (INFN/U. Rome)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
16:15 Education, Outreach and Citizen Engagement (WP10) - Dorota Rosinska (U. Warsaw) Vincenzo Napolano (EGO)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
16:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Meeting Board of Scientific Representatives - ET Coordinators (until 18:30) (Room 501, 5th Floor)
17:00 A few thoughts about next few years - Marco Pallavicini (INFN)   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
17:20 ET Organisation (ETO) - Andreas Freise (NIKHEF)   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
Parallel Session - Rob van der Meer (NIKHEF) Mauro Morandin (INFN) (until 18:30) (Room 504, 5th Floor)
17:00 Introduction - M. Morandin (INFN)   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
17:10 Innovation strategy and TT in LIGO - David Shoemaker (MIT)   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
17:30 TT transfer in a collaborative international environment: CERN perspective - Giovanni Anelli (CERN)   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
17:50 TT transfer in a collaborative international environment: The vision of a collaborating Institution - Isaac Esparbe (IFAE)   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
18:10 Innovation in a regional context: the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR) experince - Rob van der Meer (NIKHEF)   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
Parallel Session - Domenico D'Urso (INFN) Wim Walk (NIKHEF) (until 18:15) (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
17:00 Standard and Special Rock Mechanics Laboratory Measurements for ET - Daniel Barta (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
17:13 Updates from EMR - Dr Wim Walk   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
17:26 Updates from Sardinia - D. D'Urso (INFN)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
17:39 Possible Mitigation strategies fro Windmills - M. Marsella (INFN)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
17:52 Next steps: discussion about SPB/SCB working strategy and organization - D. D’Urso/W. Walk   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
Satellite Meetings - Patrick Werneke (NIKHEF) (until 19:00) (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
18:15 Satellite session: Engineering Department   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
Satellite Meetings (until 19:00) (Room 501, 5th Floor)
18:30 Satellite Meetings: Communication Discussion   (Room 501, 5th Floor)
Satellite Meetings (until 19:00) (Room 504, 5th Floor)
18:30 Satellite Meetings: Third Party: KU LEUVEN   (Room 504, 5th Floor)
21:00 --- Dinner ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Plenary Session (until 16:10) (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
14:20 ET-PP Project Management Report - Sara Martinez (IFAE)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
14:35 Communication - Vincenzo Napolano (EGO)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
14:50 ETO Roadmap and notes on BSR - Andreas Freise (NIKHEF)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
15:05 Computing Model and Software Tools - Nadia Tonello (BSC)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
15:20 ETO and ET Collaboration TDRs - Alessio Rocchi (INFN)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
15:35 ETO and ET Collaboration Management tools - Alessandro Variola (INFN)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
15:50 Governance, Financial Aspects, Legal Entity - M. E.H. Roelofs (NIKHEF)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
16:05 Third Party: KU - Leuven - Jonathan Menu (KU - LEUVEN)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
16:10 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary Session (until 17:00) (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
16:40 Final notes and next steps for ETO - Andreas Freise (NIKHEF) Fernando Ferroni (INFN)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
16:50 Final notes & ET-PP next steps - Mario Martinez (IFAE)   (Polivalent Room, 6th Floor)
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